What is your morning routine? Maybe you turn on the coffee or go straight for the shower. Do you wake up to an alarm that plays music or beeps? Can you wake-up without an alarm?
I find myself turning the television on as the first thing... it will be on the news or music, but the action is automatic... I could very well still be asleep when I do it.
I'm very sensitive to noise of all forms and, because everything in this world makes some form of noise, it can become overwhelming.
I have an odd sort of discipline when it comes to coffee - when I want it too much, I stop drinking it. With TV, it's the same thing - This will be the fourth or fifth time that I've cancelled TV. I have always come back to it in the past, and it's likely I'll get it again at some point... but I don't want a device running my life.
Generally, I'll cancel TV if I find myself watching re-runs of old shows too much ...also, when I multi-media too much. Last night, I was watching a show on the TV, another on the computer, and I was reading and doing other things around the house at the same time... and sometimes I'll find myself doing this and realize that the radio is playing in my room.
Why would someone choose to have all of this activity going around them? I have no answer. So it's time to unplug.