The new website's publishing date has been moved, so here is my cover for my upcoming NaNoWriMo project:
03 October, 2016
10 July, 2016
Greetings Readers,
Blogger has served us well for several years, but now it's time to move. Some of the helpful features, and the fun features like my fish tank, are no longer working and I have been rebuilding MRKy Waters with Wix. I have linked the draft website back to this site so you can see the archived content, but after the new site is up, I will no longer be updating this page.
I will be announcing its' publication shortly. Thank you very much for all your support. I hope to see you on the new site!
The new URL will be
Blogger has served us well for several years, but now it's time to move. Some of the helpful features, and the fun features like my fish tank, are no longer working and I have been rebuilding MRKy Waters with Wix. I have linked the draft website back to this site so you can see the archived content, but after the new site is up, I will no longer be updating this page.
I will be announcing its' publication shortly. Thank you very much for all your support. I hope to see you on the new site!
The new URL will be
03 April, 2016
My regular readers know that I've suffered from all kinds of health issues, diagnosis/partial diagnosis/Hey this might be you, and treatments that have sent me into a pharmaceutical-haze with night terrors, migraines, spinal twitches, constant weight gain, chronic depression, and other forms of pain.
My brother has just sent me "The Paleo Solution" by Robb Wolf. According to its' pages, the paleo diet is supposed to help, if not cure, most (if not all) of my health issues. In 30 days, I should have a new lease on life. If I stick with this new lifestyle, I can expect my problems with weight, depression, swallowing, Chronic Urticaria, and pain to be improved... my body and brain should be healed.
Now, since I've tried so many things before in my 36 years of growing skepticism, I'm unsure. But I'm willing to give it a good shot.
16 March, 2016
Our Prime Minister's Spouse
Women are slowly coming out of the shadows as more than just eye candy or charming hostesses and into positions of power in their own right. It has been suggested, by Janice Wells of Newfoundland and Labrador's Telegram, that this should also include the spouses of our prime ministers.
Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau Needs a Title
I agree that the spouse of a prime minister should have a title as any successful person often requires the support and confidence they can only get from their spouse. A spouse gives a leader strength and council - they know the leader better than anyone (maybe even better than they know themselves) and aren't as susceptible to sycophantic actions as others. But the suggestion of "helpmate" is just plain weird...
My suggestion would be "Our Partner" to be used as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Our Partner Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau (or PM Trudeau and OP Grégoire-Trudeau).
I would choose this because it shows respect for their relationship as well as the fact that spouses are part of a public servant's life whether they choose to be or not... and as our prime minister knows far too well, so does the rest of the family. So let's honour that partnership with the proper title.
In a mould of general practice for our current and future leaders, this opens up more possibilities than any existing title for spouses of world leaders. It not only respects our current prime minister's spouse, but keeps open more possibilities for other woman prime ministers, any and all future LGBTQ members, and all Canadians who seek public office - a true stride towards full equality to back up the recent symbolic actions of #BankNOTEable women as well as the more active policy of Trudeau's first gender-balanced cabinet.
As for Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau, herself, she has already worked tirelessly for many causes including eating disorders (Sheena's Place and BACA), La Maison Bleue for at-risk pregnancies, The Canadian Mental Health Association, Women Heart and Stroke, WaterCAN for clean water, and domestic violence.
Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau should be acknowledge as Canada's first OP - Our Partner in strength, equality, generosity, and peace.
Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau Needs a Title
I agree that the spouse of a prime minister should have a title as any successful person often requires the support and confidence they can only get from their spouse. A spouse gives a leader strength and council - they know the leader better than anyone (maybe even better than they know themselves) and aren't as susceptible to sycophantic actions as others. But the suggestion of "helpmate" is just plain weird...
My suggestion would be "Our Partner" to be used as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Our Partner Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau (or PM Trudeau and OP Grégoire-Trudeau).
I would choose this because it shows respect for their relationship as well as the fact that spouses are part of a public servant's life whether they choose to be or not... and as our prime minister knows far too well, so does the rest of the family. So let's honour that partnership with the proper title.
In a mould of general practice for our current and future leaders, this opens up more possibilities than any existing title for spouses of world leaders. It not only respects our current prime minister's spouse, but keeps open more possibilities for other woman prime ministers, any and all future LGBTQ members, and all Canadians who seek public office - a true stride towards full equality to back up the recent symbolic actions of #BankNOTEable women as well as the more active policy of Trudeau's first gender-balanced cabinet.
As for Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau, herself, she has already worked tirelessly for many causes including eating disorders (Sheena's Place and BACA), La Maison Bleue for at-risk pregnancies, The Canadian Mental Health Association, Women Heart and Stroke, WaterCAN for clean water, and domestic violence.
Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau should be acknowledge as Canada's first OP - Our Partner in strength, equality, generosity, and peace.
14 March, 2016
#BankNOTEable Women
I chose these women not only for their bravery and great contribution to our country and the world, but also because their stories will capture the imagination of young Canadians - They shouldn’t just get their picture on money in a world where less people use cash, they should have movies made about them! If stories like this were told in social studies instead of the boring methods in school, more children would pay attention, fewer would drop out, and our stories wouldn’t be so easily forgotten!
Dr. James Miranda Barry a.k.a. Margaret Bulkley: 1795-1865
Likely Canada’s first female surgeon, Dr. Barry presented as a man with red hair, drove around in a chariot, and had several white dogs all named Psyche. “He” travelled all around the world helping the poor and other people who wouldn’t get good medical service like lepers and prostitutes. He improved rations and living conditions of our soldiers and contributed to the study of mental health. He was only discovered to be a woman after death during the autopsy.
Anna Mae Maloney Aquash: 1945-1976
She lived a short, poverty stricken life that ended brutally with her murder. Anna was a Mi’kmaq activist who was only discovered at death because the American FBI (she was killed in the States) cut off her hands and sent them to a lab so she could be identified. But in her life, she worked hard in both countries to improve the horrible living conditions for our aboriginal citizens - no electricity, running water, or heat; turnips and potatoes to eat, and moth-ridden, ill-fitting clothes from the federal Indian Agent. Bussed off the Nova Scotian reserve to Catholic school where they were bullied and harassed. Tuberculosis and other health problems. But she survived and helped create work and educational opportunities for her people. She eventually joined AIM (the American Indian Movement), participated in protests, fundraised, organized benefit concerts with Harry Belafonte, Kris Kristoferson, and Buffy Sainte-Marie. She had legal problems and was named “the Brave Hearted Woman” in FBI files as she crisscrossed between Canada and the States. She was shot in the back of her head. In a time when Canada is finally trying to actually act towards Reconciliation with our aboriginal partners, and where we are trying to figure out the mess of the Missing Aboriginal Women and Girls, what better choice for a small symbol of respect to her struggle and life’s work?
Major Margaret C. Macdonald: 1873-1948
She was our Matron-in-Chief during World War I and helped expand the ranks of our brave nurses - you don’t have to carry a gun to be a war hero.
“During the cruel bombings of the Canadian Hospitals came experiences of the most frightening, the recollection of which must ever remain painfully idelible. Yet at the time never was a complaint uttered by these valiant women who were conspicuously undismayed in remaining at their posts” - Major Macdonald describing their actions during the repeated bombing of Boulogne, 1918.
“Queen of the Hurricanes” Elizabeth Gregory MacGill: 1905-1980
She was a really cool engineer - and daughter of my fifth nomination - She helped designe and supervised the making ofour war planes including the Hawker Hurricanes. As well as being a war hero in her own right, she served as President of the Canadian Federation of Business and Professional Women’s Clubs and was a member of the Royal Commission on the Status of Women.
Judge Helen Gregory MacGill: 1864-1947
While Helen was born into a certain amount of money, her first husband died and her second husband was a brute. She discovered that women in BC couldn’t have custody of their children because only fathers had that right. She worked to repeal the Dower Law, improve inheritance rights and wages for women, encouraged proper social welfare practices for young offenders, encouraged more family involvement in reducing and recovering from criminal activity, as well as campaigning for more female probation and police officers. As BC’s first female judge, she made great contributions to ours and the American justice system. Her daughters grew up with her strength and became powerful women in their own right - Elsie, “Queen of the Hurricanes”, and her other daughter Helen MacGill Hughes was a sociologist, editor, and writer.
I’d love it for something more than a single woman on a single bill - a MacGill bill would be entirely appropriate for all the contributions they have made to Canada.
I very much appreciate that the consultation for this currency allows for five nominations because, as you can imagine, choosing between my five choices (not to mention many, many, more options) would be impossible.
My source:
100 Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces by Merna Forster
100 More Canadian Heroines: Famous and Forgotten Faces by Merna Forster
100 More Canadian Heroines
01 March, 2016
Physician Assisted Death - Alberta Survey
Physician Assisted Death is finally going to be recognized by Canadian, provincial, and territorial law, thanks to the ruling of our Supreme Court of Canada.
The government of Alberta has quietly issued a survey for public consultation and fortunately, because I listen to CBC radio, I heard about it this morning for the first time - Survey closes at 11:59 pm March 31st so get your answers in before they close it.
I'm going to run through the questions on this sometimes reasonable, sometimes ridiculous, survey:
1. The Supreme Court decision requires that any eligible patient must be competent. This means that the person has to understand what they are asking for when they request the help of a doctor to die. But there are differing opinions about whether the person must remain mentally competent throughout the process.
Which is closest to your opinion?
Don't know and no opinion should be separate answers, though.
2. Some countries and states that already provide physician-assisted death require there to be a period of reflection for a person who requests it - meaning a person is required to make a request for the procedure and a later second request confirming their intentions.
Which is closest to your opinion?
This question makes paternalistic assumptions. People will not decide to end their lives lightly and they understand without being constrained by those opposed to the Supreme Court ruling. More needs to be done for ANYONE who is leading a "life" of suffering that does not actually allow them to live.
3. If there were to be a defined minimum period of reflection, what would the appropriate timeframe between the first and second request be?
4. The Supreme Court ruling applies to competent adults. Some believe people under age 18 should be eligible if they are mature enough to decide. In other words, age shouldn't matter; it's a question of competence and maturity. Which is closest to your opinion?
5. Doctors who do not wish to provide physician-assisted dying for religious or moral reasons will not be required to participate. If a patient of theirs makes a request of them, what should they be required to do?
Unfortunately, even their best efforts are sometimes unsuccessful and the patient suffers from complications and suffering due to both their illness and the treatments prescribed. Pharmaceuticals are helpful but often have incredibly difficult and often painful side effects that can sometimes be possibly worse than the original problem. Patients need to have access to every help medical people can provide, but then they need to be given the control our mortality takes from them.
Doctors are here to give us their best way to keep us the healthiest they can. Once they have had every opportunity to fix the medical condition and the patient decides that they are no longer able to live an actual, functional life without unbearable suffering they should be free to decide their time of death. A doctor's personal beliefs on politics and religion should NOT ENTER THIS DISCUSSION.
Religion has interfered with treatment and caused too much loss to our medical system in the past and we can't keep falling into this trap.
6. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta has recommended several safeguards to help protect potentially vulnerable people, such as the elderly or disabled. These include the following:
- The patient must be made aware of all medical options
- Two doctors must agree the person meets the criteria set out by the Supreme Court
- If there is any question about the person's mental state, there person must be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist
- Two people must witness the person's request; and at least one of these witnesses must not be a relative or heir, or the owner, operator or employee of a health facility where the patient is receiving treatment, or the physician
- The person must be advised at each step that they may change their mind, including just before the procedure is administered
Which is closest to your opinion?
7. If you believe more needs to be done to ensure the person understands without any pressure or outside influence, what do you suggest?
Thankfully, there is a spot at the end of the survey for further comments but while your filling it out, you don't know that - and the wording of this question is very limiting
8. The drugs used in physician-assisted death:
9. If a patient is allowed to administer the drugs themselves, should a physician or other healthcare professional be required to be present, in case there are complications?
10. Which of the following locations should a patient's request be allowed to be fulfilled?
11. Should hospitals, other healthcare facilities, long-term care and assisted living homes be allowed to deny access by patients to physician-assisted death?
Which of the following is closest to your opinion?
12. Please share any additional comments you have in the space below or attach to your submission
The online form limits this space to 1500 characters and doesn't have a character counter to let you know how many you have left
13. Are you answering this survey
Alberta survey on Physician Assisted Death
Please go to the link and fill out the survey. Now that you know what you will be asked and where you have an option to give them further information, I hope this debate will help people in need.
The government of Alberta has quietly issued a survey for public consultation and fortunately, because I listen to CBC radio, I heard about it this morning for the first time - Survey closes at 11:59 pm March 31st so get your answers in before they close it.
I'm going to run through the questions on this sometimes reasonable, sometimes ridiculous, survey:
1. The Supreme Court decision requires that any eligible patient must be competent. This means that the person has to understand what they are asking for when they request the help of a doctor to die. But there are differing opinions about whether the person must remain mentally competent throughout the process.
Which is closest to your opinion?
- The person must be mentally competent at the time they make the request, and the doctor may fulfill the request only if the person remains competent to the end.
- The person must be mentally competent at the time they make the request, and the doctor may fulfill the request even if the person loses competence before the end.
- The person must be mentally competent at the time they make the request, but may lose competence even before they reach the point of intolerable suffering, and the doctor may fulfill the request once the person has reached that point.
- Don't know/no opinion
Don't know and no opinion should be separate answers, though.
2. Some countries and states that already provide physician-assisted death require there to be a period of reflection for a person who requests it - meaning a person is required to make a request for the procedure and a later second request confirming their intentions.
Which is closest to your opinion?
- There should be a defined minimum period of time between when a patient makes an initial request and a second request confirming their intentions before it is fulfilled.
- There should be a period of reflection between when a patient makes an initial request and a second request confirming their intentions, but it should vary according to individual circumstances, based on the doctor's opinion.
- There should be a defined minimum period of reflection for patients with non-terminal, slowly progressing conditions; but for those with terminal or rapidly progressing conditions, the period of reflection should vary according to the patient's circumstances, based on the doctor's opinion.
- There should be no period of reflection required. A person should be able to have a request fulfilled immediately.
- Don't know/No opinion
This question makes paternalistic assumptions. People will not decide to end their lives lightly and they understand without being constrained by those opposed to the Supreme Court ruling. More needs to be done for ANYONE who is leading a "life" of suffering that does not actually allow them to live.
- Less than 7 days
- 14 days
- 30 days
- 60 days
- More than 90 days
- Don't know/No opinion
4. The Supreme Court ruling applies to competent adults. Some believe people under age 18 should be eligible if they are mature enough to decide. In other words, age shouldn't matter; it's a question of competence and maturity. Which is closest to your opinion?
- A person must be at least 18 years old to be eligible
- A person can be younger than 18 to be eligible, so long as they are mature and competent enough to understand the nature of the request and its consequences.
- Don't know/No opinion
5. Doctors who do not wish to provide physician-assisted dying for religious or moral reasons will not be required to participate. If a patient of theirs makes a request of them, what should they be required to do?
- Refer the patient to a physician who does provide the service
- Refer the patient to a resource that will provide accurate information about all available medical options
- Should not be required to provide a referral of any kind
- Don't know/No option
Unfortunately, even their best efforts are sometimes unsuccessful and the patient suffers from complications and suffering due to both their illness and the treatments prescribed. Pharmaceuticals are helpful but often have incredibly difficult and often painful side effects that can sometimes be possibly worse than the original problem. Patients need to have access to every help medical people can provide, but then they need to be given the control our mortality takes from them.
Doctors are here to give us their best way to keep us the healthiest they can. Once they have had every opportunity to fix the medical condition and the patient decides that they are no longer able to live an actual, functional life without unbearable suffering they should be free to decide their time of death. A doctor's personal beliefs on politics and religion should NOT ENTER THIS DISCUSSION.
Religion has interfered with treatment and caused too much loss to our medical system in the past and we can't keep falling into this trap.
6. The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta has recommended several safeguards to help protect potentially vulnerable people, such as the elderly or disabled. These include the following:
- The patient must be made aware of all medical options
- Two doctors must agree the person meets the criteria set out by the Supreme Court
- If there is any question about the person's mental state, there person must be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist
- Two people must witness the person's request; and at least one of these witnesses must not be a relative or heir, or the owner, operator or employee of a health facility where the patient is receiving treatment, or the physician
- The person must be advised at each step that they may change their mind, including just before the procedure is administered
Which is closest to your opinion?
- These safeguards are sufficient to ensure the person understands and is acting without any pressure or outside influence
- More needs to be done to ensure the person understands and is acting without any pressure or outside influence
- These safeguards are too onerous in that they require too much of a person who wishes to end their life
- Don't know/No opinion
7. If you believe more needs to be done to ensure the person understands without any pressure or outside influence, what do you suggest?
Thankfully, there is a spot at the end of the survey for further comments but while your filling it out, you don't know that - and the wording of this question is very limiting
8. The drugs used in physician-assisted death:
- Should be administered only by a physician
- Should be administered only by the patient themselves with a prescription from a physician
- Either, depending on what the patient and physician agree to
- Don't know/No opinion
9. If a patient is allowed to administer the drugs themselves, should a physician or other healthcare professional be required to be present, in case there are complications?
- A physician should be required to be present
- A physician OR another healthcare professional should be present
- There should be no requirement for a physician or other healthcare professional to be present, unless the patient requests it
10. Which of the following locations should a patient's request be allowed to be fulfilled?
- In a hospital
- In an assisted living or long-term care facility
- In a hospice
- In a private residence
- Don't know/No opinion
11. Should hospitals, other healthcare facilities, long-term care and assisted living homes be allowed to deny access by patients to physician-assisted death?
Which of the following is closest to your opinion?
- These facilities should be required to provide physician-assisted death on site, but only if they are publicly funded.
- These facilities should be required to provide physician-assisted death on site, even if they are not public funded.
- These facilities should not be required to provide physician-assisted death on site, even if they are publicly funded
- Don't know/No opinion
12. Please share any additional comments you have in the space below or attach to your submission
The online form limits this space to 1500 characters and doesn't have a character counter to let you know how many you have left
13. Are you answering this survey
- As an individual
- Representing an organization. Specify__________
- Both
Alberta survey on Physician Assisted Death
Please go to the link and fill out the survey. Now that you know what you will be asked and where you have an option to give them further information, I hope this debate will help people in need.
12 February, 2016
Why Canadians are talking about the American Election
I live streamed the latest debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, tweeted a bunch, and followed up with a response to an article I read in the New York Times:
In Democratic Debate, Hillary Clinton Paints Bernie Sanders's Plans as Unrealistic - Amy Chozick and Patrick Healy
My response to this article on Facebook:
"This is a very disappointing article. Yes, Hillary Clinton didn't win New Hampshire, but if you talk about substance rather than flash, at least her answers held some detail in her plans. Bernie Sanders speaks with broad statements and talking points. This is very effective when trying to win over a volume of people with short attention spans. However, Hillary Clinton's responses - while sometimes stilted in delivery - were more detailed and actually told something about her thought process."
As you can imagine, this garnered quite a few responses including +130 likes and +30 comments.
One comment was particularly important, I believe:
"Sorry but, i just looked at your page, and you're Canada (great country by the way)
What's up with all these Canadiens commenting on America's Political Revolution ? I just find it peculiar, because i don't know if they're being sincere in their interest, because some of them are for Bernie and some are HRC.. Is there paid trolls on each side?, or they being sincere in their interest? Like i said, i just find it peculiar is all..Are you sincere in your interest?"
My response:
Yes, I'm a political scientist and writer from Canada - Yes, I'm very sincere when I comment because the relationship between Canada and the US is incredibly important. The US is our largest trade partner [United States: US$363.2 billion (76.8% of total Canadian exports)] and we share the world's longest unprotected border. Whenever we have a disagreement, our lives are effected e.g. Softwood lumber, pipelines, participation in military and peacekeeping efforts. We also work well together e.g. Hurricane Katrina, 1998 Ice Storm. Generally, I don't pay much attention to American elections during the primaries, but in this election, we've already witnessed so much violent rhetoric from Donald Trump and a ton of aggressive comments about Hillary Clinton, that I am paying attention much more than I normally do. During the Barack Obama elections, Americans got swept up in his positive messages and, while I had my doubts, I didn't feel compelled to act because it was at least rhetoric that was going in the right direction - and he has had successes and failures during his terms in office - But Canadians like me are seeing our American friends struggle with racial, censorship, inequality, family planning rights, medical coverage, education, and debt issues that appear to be getting worse instead of better and we are concerned. It's a mix between caring for a friend and self-interest that you'll pull us down with you that compels me to comment since I can't vote in your country. We have Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is doing his best to help our internal and international trade issues, refugees, and our place on the world stage, and after 100 days in office, there are already changes being made. I look at American news (which is actually easier to get here than some Canadian news since your population is so much larger than ours - 35,985,751 to 322,835,000) I know that whether you elect a Republican or Democrat, we're going to have an interesting next four (or eight) years. My interest is sincere, it is mostly unpartisan, and I am greatly interested in what leader you will choose. It will have a great effect on lives both inside and outside of your country.
In Democratic Debate, Hillary Clinton Paints Bernie Sanders's Plans as Unrealistic - Amy Chozick and Patrick Healy
My response to this article on Facebook:
"This is a very disappointing article. Yes, Hillary Clinton didn't win New Hampshire, but if you talk about substance rather than flash, at least her answers held some detail in her plans. Bernie Sanders speaks with broad statements and talking points. This is very effective when trying to win over a volume of people with short attention spans. However, Hillary Clinton's responses - while sometimes stilted in delivery - were more detailed and actually told something about her thought process."
As you can imagine, this garnered quite a few responses including +130 likes and +30 comments.
One comment was particularly important, I believe:
"Sorry but, i just looked at your page, and you're Canada (great country by the way)
What's up with all these Canadiens commenting on America's Political Revolution ? I just find it peculiar, because i don't know if they're being sincere in their interest, because some of them are for Bernie and some are HRC.. Is there paid trolls on each side?, or they being sincere in their interest? Like i said, i just find it peculiar is all..Are you sincere in your interest?"
My response:
Yes, I'm a political scientist and writer from Canada - Yes, I'm very sincere when I comment because the relationship between Canada and the US is incredibly important. The US is our largest trade partner [United States: US$363.2 billion (76.8% of total Canadian exports)] and we share the world's longest unprotected border. Whenever we have a disagreement, our lives are effected e.g. Softwood lumber, pipelines, participation in military and peacekeeping efforts. We also work well together e.g. Hurricane Katrina, 1998 Ice Storm. Generally, I don't pay much attention to American elections during the primaries, but in this election, we've already witnessed so much violent rhetoric from Donald Trump and a ton of aggressive comments about Hillary Clinton, that I am paying attention much more than I normally do. During the Barack Obama elections, Americans got swept up in his positive messages and, while I had my doubts, I didn't feel compelled to act because it was at least rhetoric that was going in the right direction - and he has had successes and failures during his terms in office - But Canadians like me are seeing our American friends struggle with racial, censorship, inequality, family planning rights, medical coverage, education, and debt issues that appear to be getting worse instead of better and we are concerned. It's a mix between caring for a friend and self-interest that you'll pull us down with you that compels me to comment since I can't vote in your country. We have Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is doing his best to help our internal and international trade issues, refugees, and our place on the world stage, and after 100 days in office, there are already changes being made. I look at American news (which is actually easier to get here than some Canadian news since your population is so much larger than ours - 35,985,751 to 322,835,000) I know that whether you elect a Republican or Democrat, we're going to have an interesting next four (or eight) years. My interest is sincere, it is mostly unpartisan, and I am greatly interested in what leader you will choose. It will have a great effect on lives both inside and outside of your country.
09 February, 2016
Cost of Living, Mental Health, and The West Wing
As we wait for the New Hampshire primary results in the US, Canadians reflect on how our country is doing on helping our citizens do more than live from paycheque to paycheque but to actually thrive.
Even though it's a TV show (that is becoming dated), The West Wing came up with a lot of great ideas - or at least great discussion topics - over its' lifespan.
This is from 5x19 - "Talking Points"
Ten years ago, I worked for this Senate candidate. He had this idea that
health care, pensions, even vacation time ought to be portable, that it
should follow you from job to job, 'cause everyone was gonna work 15 jobs
in a lifetime. Might as well fly in the teeth of it. And we talked him out
of it. We told him he was scaring the bejeesus out of people. Who wants to
know about 15 jobs? Maybe we should have done that, I don't know.
Even though it's a TV show (that is becoming dated), The West Wing came up with a lot of great ideas - or at least great discussion topics - over its' lifespan.
This is from 5x19 - "Talking Points"
Ten years ago, I worked for this Senate candidate. He had this idea that
health care, pensions, even vacation time ought to be portable, that it
should follow you from job to job, 'cause everyone was gonna work 15 jobs
in a lifetime. Might as well fly in the teeth of it. And we talked him out
of it. We told him he was scaring the bejeesus out of people. Who wants to
know about 15 jobs? Maybe we should have done that, I don't know.
I would like to start a debate based around this suggestion. Since I am a writer and not affiliated with any political party, I'm working towards increasing awareness on issues and suggesting possible solutions that are politically unpopular.
For the Americans that read this post - I'm not supporting any of your politicians either, but I think Obama has made a lot of mistakes and I cringe at Donald Trump and the equality problems I read about - and I'm hoping the next president is open to new ideas for your country and the world.
For my fellow Canadians, many of us - The Working Poor and those struggling with Mental Health issues - went through our last election hoping that we might be mentioned by our political leaders and talking heads. Everyone was championing the "Middle Class" as if most Canadians assume they are part of that group, but no one ever defines what that means.
If I were to define "Middle Class", I would say that it would include individuals that were able to live and work full time and be able to afford not only the necessities of life and the ability to save for a proper retirement but also any sudden expense (like replacing a broken refrigerator or time off for a medical emergency) without worrying about not being able to afford it; education and caring for family members will not bankrupt them; and being able to enjoy life with things like celebrating an achievement, heading out to local community events, participating in hobbies and organized sports, and the occasional vacation. I would add to this that a middle class family would be comfortable having the children they choose to have with the knowledge that they can be tested for any health issues that may come up; successful pregnancy including pre/post natal care; early education; school fees that won't cripple their family budget; the ability to have the kids participate in arts and sports; the nightmare of post-secondary student loans will not hobble them and their soon-to-be-adult children; the ability to participate in community events for the whole family and individuals; and everyday joys like birthday parties and competitions can be participated in without first checking the bank account. This is a very low bar, I believe - as the saying goes, we should work to live not live to work. The people who can afford more than this aren't automatically "rich" - this should apply to everyone in Canada. We should all be able to enjoy some comforts of life and be able to answer the phone without worrying about creditors. No one should fall through the cracks, have to go to a Food Bank, receive welfare, or cringe at the phone ringing because they are ducking creditors. Everyone should be able to enjoy life.
02 February, 2016
Juno Nominations are out, including Justin Bieber...
I love this song so much that I rewrote the lyrics for our troubled and strange pop sensation, Justin Bieber and his love of illegal street racing and other oddities:
You know, I never listened to you on the radio,
I wasn’t in your target group for your records or your shows,
But I thought “Just let him be. He’s a Canadian kid like me”
And I turned the channel anytime I heard “The Beabs”
Because I’ll say that…
Every rose has it’s thorn,
Just like every night has it’s dawn,
Every cowboy sings a sad, sad song,
Every rose has its’ thorn.
I went along with my business and I left you to the tweens,
To worry about your millions wasn’t worth a hill of beans,
I thought it was a little much when they boo’d you at The Cup
It’s just you’re all jealous of his growing means,
Because I’ll say that…
Every rose has it’s thorn,
Just like every night has it’s dawn,
Every cowboy sings a sad, sad song,
Every rose has its’ thorn.
So now you’ve gone and gotten yourself in trouble,
And you seem to think it’s all a little game,
Buzzing down the street could turn you to mincemeat,
So I sigh and turn the page for the boy of 19
Because I’ll say that…
Every rose has it’s thorn,
Just like every night has it’s dawn,
Every cowboy sings a sad, sad song,
Every rose has its’ thorn.
17 January, 2016
Our Government Wants Our Opinion!
- In your opinion, how can we better support our middle class?
First, we need to define what "The Middle Class" is... it sounds great on the hustings and a lot of people consider themselves to be in the middle class, it discounts the working poor and those like me that balance between a middle class family and being under-employed like so many Canadians. While it is politically unpopular, we need to define what the poverty line actually is and ascribe our EI, federal funding, welfare, and all other government assistance systems with a calculation on what an actual working wage is in Canada - from sea to sea to sea.
2. What infrastructure needs can best help grow the economy, protect our environment, and meet your priorities locally?
We need to create a much more effective system to get proper supplies in the Northern territories, green technologies like solar/wind power, and we need to embrace the coming of driverless cars in both legislature and infrastructure. France, Switzerland, and the UK are writing policies that will allow driverless cars and we need to do so, as well. Also, the University of Calgary is working on making solar panels by 3D Printing technology - this is the type of thinking we need for the future. Infrastructure is expensive and takes years - politics ends up being a lot about "What have you done for me lately?" and can be too short-sighted because of it. We need to aim higher.
3. How can we create economic growth, protect the environment, and meet local priorities while ensuring that the most vulnerable don’t get left behind?
Employment and ingenuity will help us with all of these priorities and that means jobs and proper communication - a partnership between private and public - I grew up knowing that there were many businesses that would offer an internship opportunity and life-long employment followed by a pension and, partnered with retirement savings, this would sustain a person in their golden years. Unfortunately, those have been peeled back slowly, we're living much longer, and the NDP is pushing for the retirement age back to 65, yet a majority of us live well over 80 years in this country. Many internships that do exist are unpaid or low-paid positions. Also, many of them require a minimum of a bachelor's degree and the cost of post-secondary education and the debt that follows prevents a lot of our younger Canadians to get a full start in life for years. On the other side of things, at age 35, I am quite convinced that I'll never retire - certainly not in the way it used to be seen - and I fear removal of society. There are many seniors who retire as vibrant, healthy individuals with dreams of travelling and reaching new heights. Unfortunately, many Canadian's golden years are spent in nursing homes and seniors centres losing contact with "the outside world" and eventually succumbing to health issues. Perhaps a form of semi-retirement and more opportunities for our valued and experienced citizens to mentor students and new graduates could be created so all Canadians can benefit from their expertise? We also need to truly acknowledge our mental health crisis and improve services as well as fighting the stigma so people can come forward with their issues without fear of being condemned by our society.
4. Finally, is the implementation of these new priorities and initiatives realistic? Will it help grow our economy?
Yes - If we are no longer preventing Canadian ingenuity and energy to be stifled by a more effective management of their gifts, we will grow stronger.
5. This question is a priority list that isn’t particularly useful because priorities help other priorities develop - they are not a check list.
We need to kill the barriers of trade in between provinces and territories - This isn’t even on the list.
Gladly, the Liberals are trying to create a more open forum for discussions.
09 January, 2016
India's Daughter and World Rape Statistics
I have just watched the un-edited version of India's Daughter currently available on Netflix Canada - This isn't the first time Netflix has stood up and shared a movie that is banned or edited in other parts of the world and they have my utmost respect for that.
India's Daughter is a documentary about Jyoti Singh who was just about to begin an internship to become a doctor when she was brutally gang raped on a stolen school bus as her and a friend were coming home from the movies. It interviews her family but also the criminals and their families, as well as the lawyers involved in the case. It is incredibly disturbing to watch - I have seen it twice: Once on YouTube when it was first released and banned by the Indian government and edited by multiple places and once tonight. At the very end of the film, right before the credits, there is a list of worldwide rape statistics that I have read are not shown in all versions of the film - so I have copied them here so that more people will read them and do something about this heinous crime that is committed and covered up EVERYWHERE!
Please keep in mind that, since rape is one of the least reported crimes in the world, these numbers are probably low:
- Since the rape of India's Daughter, reporting has increased by 35%
- Australia - 35% of women have been sexually assaulted. Only 15% reported to the police
- Canada - Over 1 in 3 women has been sexually assaulted. Only 6% reported to the police.
- Democratic Republic of Congo - More than 400,000 women are raped each year.
- Denmark - Only 1 in 5 reported rapes results in a conviction.
- Egypt - 96% of women have suffered genital mutilation
- Ethiopia - 60% of women have been subjected to sexual violence
- France - 1 in 10 women are victims of domestic violence.
- Nigeria - 10 out of 36 states have laws that allow husbands to use physical force against their wives.
- South Africa - A woman is raped every 26 seconds.
- Sri Lanka - An average rape case takes 6 to 12 years to be resolved.
- United Kingdom - 33% of girls between 13-17 have experienced sexual violence
- USA - 17.7 million women have been raped.
- 1 in 3 women GLOBALLY is beaten, forced into sex or abused.
- 1 in 5 will become a victim of rape or attempted rape.
India's Daughter is a documentary about Jyoti Singh who was just about to begin an internship to become a doctor when she was brutally gang raped on a stolen school bus as her and a friend were coming home from the movies. It interviews her family but also the criminals and their families, as well as the lawyers involved in the case. It is incredibly disturbing to watch - I have seen it twice: Once on YouTube when it was first released and banned by the Indian government and edited by multiple places and once tonight. At the very end of the film, right before the credits, there is a list of worldwide rape statistics that I have read are not shown in all versions of the film - so I have copied them here so that more people will read them and do something about this heinous crime that is committed and covered up EVERYWHERE!
Please keep in mind that, since rape is one of the least reported crimes in the world, these numbers are probably low:
- Since the rape of India's Daughter, reporting has increased by 35%
- Australia - 35% of women have been sexually assaulted. Only 15% reported to the police
- Canada - Over 1 in 3 women has been sexually assaulted. Only 6% reported to the police.
- Democratic Republic of Congo - More than 400,000 women are raped each year.
- Denmark - Only 1 in 5 reported rapes results in a conviction.
- Egypt - 96% of women have suffered genital mutilation
- Ethiopia - 60% of women have been subjected to sexual violence
- France - 1 in 10 women are victims of domestic violence.
- Nigeria - 10 out of 36 states have laws that allow husbands to use physical force against their wives.
- South Africa - A woman is raped every 26 seconds.
- Sri Lanka - An average rape case takes 6 to 12 years to be resolved.
- United Kingdom - 33% of girls between 13-17 have experienced sexual violence
- USA - 17.7 million women have been raped.
- 1 in 3 women GLOBALLY is beaten, forced into sex or abused.
- 1 in 5 will become a victim of rape or attempted rape.
India's Daughter -
Filmmaker Leslee Udwin examines the society and values of India after a 23-year-old medical student is raped and murdered on a bus.
Initial release: March 9, 2015 (New York City)
Running time: 1h 3m
04 January, 2016
Greedy Cancer
Why are the Cancer Societies/foundations so unbelievably greedy? This was my response to one of these groups asking me to walk or run for Cancer and to raise over a thousand dollars for the privilege:
This is why I don't donate or run for cancer organizations and why there are (arguable but plausible) conspiracy theories that cancer has been cured for years - "Registered Walkers raise a minimum of CA$1500 for Alberta Cancer Foundation in order to be eligible to participate in the 25 kilometre walk June 25, 2016" - This is ABSOLUTELY INSANE! That you would demand individuals to get this much money in order to participate (not to mention the current state of the economy) is just simply RUDE! Most people fundraise by asking friends and relatives and most people have more than one cause they would like to help. You are completely tone deaf to people's needs and the needs of this world. Stop insulting people that want to fight cancer and those of use who have lost family and friends to this horrible disease - You ABSOLUTELY DISGUST ME!!!
02 January, 2016
In Honour of our Fallen Reporters - Why I will No Longer Hesitate to Write Articles on Any Topic I Want
This is an article I wrote during the pre-election discussions in 2015 when people were debating whether it's right or wrong for a woman to wear a face covering. While that issue is thankfully dead, I believe we need a fully open discussion about the threats in this world.
I hesitated discussing it and writing about this topic given the climate we live in these days. However, it has been brought to my attention with a violent strike of lightening, that this will not work. This article that outlines how many journalists have DIED trying to report the ugly truths of this world makes me ashamed that I even hesitated writing any article on any subject. 2015 Deadly Year in Journalism Put to Daily Sword
I will no longer hesitate to write what I want to write.
I hesitated discussing it and writing about this topic given the climate we live in these days. However, it has been brought to my attention with a violent strike of lightening, that this will not work. This article that outlines how many journalists have DIED trying to report the ugly truths of this world makes me ashamed that I even hesitated writing any article on any subject. 2015 Deadly Year in Journalism Put to Daily Sword
I will no longer hesitate to write what I want to write.
Why I fear the Niqab
By Melissa R. Knive
This is my attempt to begin a conversation about the Islamic faith in an era hijacked by terrorism and the lack of understanding in the Western media I follow.
I’m a born Canadian which means that, while I’ve spent some time in church and attended a high school in the separate (Catholic) system, I grew up in a largely secular society. I have had many discussions about religion, but I’ve never truly believed in an all-knowing, omnipotent “God”. I’ve lived with the comfortable, privileged ability to say that life has mysteries that I don’t understand but not being committed to a devotion to faith since birth.
Since this is my reality, I am part of the world’s population that doesn’t understand the Muslim faith. I’ve read that people who follow Islam live life according to and fully encompassed by their religion. As I live in a free society where my rights are guaranteed, I can appreciate that this could give a person a certain level of comfort in this often unfair world. I may not understand dedication to organized religion, and I may use casual expressions like “God damn it” when I’m frustrated in a way that would offend some people, but I can surmise that Islam provides a sort of tapestry that people can weave their lives on. However, as much as I can appreciate the value this faith adds to many people’s lives, I don’t understand it. Typically to humans, what I don’t understand, I automatically fear as part of an innate reaction.
Since it is such an all encompassing subject, I can’t simply Google Islam and understand what it means to follow this faith; it’s way too complex.
Even asking questions have put people at risk in this time of ISIS and Boko Haram.
My lack of knowledge is regularly highlighted as I watch the nightly news and I have many questions, specifically in regard to women. In an originally peaceful religion, how has Islam been misappropriated by so many criminals? Why are there so many restrictions on women’s lives in certain populations and yet many women here choose to practice the religion? How is it that the veil, burqua, and niqab are required clothing with some practitioners, and yet other people say that these are more cultural than religious? The news tells us about women who are harmed for leaving the house without a male relative; kept from education, travel, and driving; have little access to proper sanitation and medical care (even during their menses); Sharia Law punishments like lashes and stoning; and modesty laws that many of us in the West don’t understand - often in the name of Islam.
On the other side of things, the news talks about women who live a “regular” life as I see it - living, working, driving, and travelling freely and choosing to wear a simple veil. Like turbans, yarmulkes, and tiecls, they simply cover the hair and you get used to seeing them. The Niqab and Burqua, on the other hand, cover way more, stick out in a crowd, and disallows you to see the woman’s full face. To those like me who have minimal exposure to this clothing choice, it makes no sense and stirs up that same, innate distrust of the unfamiliar I mentioned earlier. Whether it is the woman’s desire to cover herself this much, or a man’s decision, we don’t know… and feel it’s rude to ask… so our minds trigger a fear response. Is she trying to hide? Is she regularly beaten? Is she a terrorist? Does she need to be rescued?
What about when an immigrant wants to wear this full covering when taking a citizenship oath or doing other business with the government? Is there something she’s hiding? Or is there a lack of sincerity in the vow because she (or her family) wants to have more women cover themselves and practice this version of Islam?
This is the opener of a dialogue I would like to begin with those open to discuss these things. I’ve purposely refrained from mentioning specific regions and the few terms I do know because I’d rather someone else tell me exactly how they are supposed to be used, rather than accidentally using the term incorrectly because I read the wrong internet source.
Thank you for being open minded.
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