Keeping busy is easy... keeping busy in a productive way is a little harder...
Fortunately, I'm a writer so my work-related research is also incredibly fun. I follow any current news story that interests me and write up an article. I'm curious about a phenomenon I've seen and I write up an article. Someone asks me how to do something and I write up an article.
This is a very young project as I just started in January, but I'm starting to get published in a few publications and self-published in a few more. One item on my Bucket List was to be published by the age of 30... three years late, it was achieved...
Victories like this and being asked to do more from people I respect - Both are helping me get through this process of waiting for the full diagnosis. My training for City2Surf is going well but hit a slump with a sore calf after some particularly good training runs.
The ongoing soreness in my leg and the seemingly endless rain Alberta is getting is not helping, but fortunately I have an amazing family and my best friend who help bolster me when I'm in a low swing. We have a lot of fun when we're together, so that is a major plus in my favour.
I, also, recently had an epiphany earlier this month that, while I'm constantly reading, it's almost all online. I've been re-reading favourite books on an irregular timeline and many books I've started to read have been left around the house, unfinished. Part of this "Keeping Busy" project is to get rid of all of the collected rabble from the two years I've lived hear and about a decade previous to the last time I did this. It's taking FOREVER!!! This is because of my certainty that if I do it quickly, I'll throw out something I'll want in the future.
The thing is, I have a very small apartment and I spend most of my time in my living room... appropriate?
I never think that I'm a collector or a clutter bug until I realize that my three closets/storage rooms are rarely accessed because everything I actually use is out. In my one room apartment, I use my dining room table but often work, eat, and sleep on the couch as I often fall asleep watching Netflix... I cancelled cable sometime last year.
Since I've been craving the minimalist lifestyle for an indeterminate number of months, it's time to make the final push. Anything I haven't used this year must go - except for anything with true sentimental value. Any book I read will be sent out to Fair is Fair books. Here it goes...
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