17 September, 2013


This morning, I didn't wake up to the alarm... I woke up after a nightmare.  I was in an asylum of the past where they dressed us in the same striped pyjamas you see in Holocaust movies, they make you wear diapers and chain you to a bed... then hit you with wide leather lashes when you fill the diaper.

It felt so real that I woke up with my heart racing.

This is the first nightmare I've had in a while but that almost makes it more disturbing because I'm not numb to it like I was before.

What is it about our minds that send us these horrible nocturnal experiences?  I went to bed happy and had just finished reading a lovely, sentimental book that made me laugh out loud and cheer for the characters.  I'm making progress with my illness and I'm sleeping fairly regularly... so what gives?!?!?

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