03 September, 2013

So far, so good

So it's been about a week and the only side-effect (other than sleeping in like a teenager) is a heightened sense of taste... or something... Whatever it is, it makes water taste funny and processed cheese tastes sweet, somehow.

Another week of this dose until they increase it.

Meanwhile, it's September so extra-curricullar activities are starting again.  I'm a member of Toastmasters International and... of course... last meeting (with great visions of grandeur) I signed up to make a speech on the first day back.  Yikes!

I was also attempting to join a local chorus for Sweet Adelines International but between diagnosis, the 2013 Calgary flood, and the chorus going away to compete, I decided to wait until later to audition... but now it's "later"... Eek!

Also, the program suggests that I keep work to a minimum while starting this program to limit stress... but obviously not working (no money) creates another kind of stress.  Blah!

I've been getting in some really good workouts on my bike and running but my appetite is still not quite right.  The University of Calgary's annual Dino Dash is on next Saturday!

I'm trying to get into my writing more again... I sent in my assignment I got before I started treatment and got a restaurant review on an Australian webpage (Brunch with my Baby)... from an Aunt's perspective.  I've only sent one query letter out since I started the program, so it's time to get that effort ramped up.

I started taking the pill at bed time but that made me sleep in until noon, so I moved it back to 9.  I think tonight I start taking it at 8 and set the alarm for the morning.  If I can start getting up at the regular time again, that should help with everything.

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