09 January, 2016

India's Daughter and World Rape Statistics

I have just watched the un-edited version of India's Daughter currently available on Netflix Canada - This isn't the first time Netflix has stood up and shared a movie that is banned or edited in other parts of the world and they have my utmost respect for that.

India's Daughter is a documentary about Jyoti Singh who was just about to begin an internship to become a doctor when she was brutally gang raped on a stolen school bus as her and a friend were coming home from the movies.  It interviews her family but also the criminals and their families, as well as the lawyers involved in the case.  It is incredibly disturbing to watch - I have seen it twice: Once on YouTube when it was first released and banned by the Indian government and edited by multiple places and once tonight.  At the very end of the film, right before the credits, there is a list of worldwide rape statistics that I have read are not shown in all versions of the film - so I have copied them here so that more people will read them and do something about this heinous crime that is committed and covered up EVERYWHERE!

Please keep in mind that, since rape is one of the least reported crimes in the world, these numbers are probably low:

- Since the rape of India's Daughter, reporting has increased by 35%
- Australia - 35% of women have been sexually assaulted.  Only 15% reported to the police
- Canada - Over 1 in 3 women has been sexually assaulted.  Only 6% reported to the police.
- Democratic Republic of Congo - More than 400,000 women are raped each year.
- Denmark - Only 1 in 5 reported rapes results in a conviction.
- Egypt - 96% of women have suffered genital mutilation
- Ethiopia - 60% of women have been subjected to sexual violence
- France - 1 in 10 women are victims of domestic violence.
- Nigeria - 10 out of 36 states have laws that allow husbands to use physical force against their wives.
- South Africa - A woman is raped every 26 seconds.
- Sri Lanka - An average rape case takes 6 to 12 years to be resolved.
- United Kingdom - 33% of girls between 13-17 have experienced sexual violence
- USA - 17.7 million women have been raped.
- 1 in 3 women GLOBALLY is beaten, forced into sex or abused.
- 1 in 5 will become a victim of rape or attempted rape.

    India's Daughter -

    Filmmaker Leslee Udwin examines the society and values of India after a 23-year-old medical student is raped and murdered on a bus.
    Initial releaseMarch 9, 2015 (New York City)
    Running time1h 3m

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