26 November, 2015

Skewed Numbers

So, I subscribe to newsletters from all the governing political parties in Canada, so I'm used to seeing pleas from all of them for donations and promises about what they would prefer to do when they are in power/what they're doing now that they've won... but the Conservative Party of Canada - Parti conservateur du Canada have gone nuts bashing the other parties so much while they were in power and now it's even worse since they lost.
Here is their latest attempt to make the Liberal Party of Canada | Parti libĂ©ral du Canada look like they're trying to destroy Canada and my response (which I cc'd to my MP, Kent Hehr):

The Liberals gave a fiscal update on Friday ... and it's a worrying sign of things to come.
The facts are grim. While our Conservative government left a surplus of over $1 billion as of the end of September, the Liberals are claiming to find themselves $3 billion in deficit already!
While Liberals rush into big deficits, our Conservative Party will fight for responsible spending and balanced budgets. Help us in the fight with a small donation today!
Melissa, it's more than a little concerning how the Liberals want Canada to go into deficit so incredibly quickly.
Canada's finances are too important. We will continue to closely watch their spending, and we will call them out for trying to recklessly plunge Canada back into the red.
I'm going to be blunt: this is what we're going to be up against for the next four years.
We will fight tirelessly for accountability and transparency -- but we're going to need your help. Do your part with a $35 donation today!
Thank you,
Lisa Raitt
Critic Responsible for Finance

My response:
What’s concerning is how fast they found this discrepancy in the numbers - Both the Liberals and the Conservatives have a history of presenting numbers in the most palatable way possible before elections and then the other party comes up with completely different figures. 
I don’t believe either party fully.
I’m tired of seeing Canadian companies sold off and our everyday living not getting better. I’m tired of skewed numbers making the sow’s ear look like silk.
And I’m tired of these notes with Conservative letterhead telling me how untrustworthy everyone is - guess what? I can decide that for myself.
You guys screwed up and limited communication and debate while you were in power, so you get to sit down for a bit while the Liberals hold the reins of power.
Why don’t you take this time to think about how you can make Canada stronger and stop knocking the Liberals as they announce what they are attempting.
Politics isn’t just about saying “No” - You have to say “Yes” occasionally.

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