15 February, 2013

The Value of Silence

This world is noisy.  Some of it is in our control - like the music we listen to and our favourite kitchen gadgets like the coffee maker - but commercials, other people, traffic and everything else that penetrates our ears on a daily basis, it can be downright painful.

With NLD, OCD, shyness, depression, insomnia (and any combination), uncontrollable noise can feel claustrophobic.  It's times like this where I disappear until someone close to me calls two days later and asks what's going on.

Noise can be palpable - sometimes I feel like I can actually see sound waves because they're so strong.

Closing the blinds, shutting off everything in the house, and having a bubble bath before bed can help but then I just hear my thoughts that can keep me awake...

Who else struggles with this?

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